Saturday, July 29, 2006

Articles On Astro*Carto*Graphy

The Continuum website has updated the list of articles on Astro*Carto*Graphy. It now has 38 articles featured, divided into the following sections:

The Life and Work of Jim Lewis
Articles by Jim Lewis
Basic Principles of Astro*Carto*Graphy
Astro*Carto*Graphy at Work - Cases and Techniques
Adding In Other Locality Techniques
Advanced Applications of Astro*Carto*Graphy

These articles can be found at:

In my opinion it's the best resource available for learning more about Astro*Carto*Graphy.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Upgrade ZET 8, Release 55

This afternoon I downloaded and installed the latest upgrade for ZET 8.

I was very pleased that there is now an option to select the style of A*C*G and C*C*G lines. Now it is possible to select lines that are dashed, dotted and solid with some thickness. You could have solid (A*C*G lines) and dotted (C*C*G lines) so that you can quickly see which lines are A*C*G and C*C*G.

This option is found under:

Settings - Astro*Carto*Graphy Settings - Color - Ascension and Culmination Lines

The top box is for A*C*G lines, and the lower box for C*C*G lines.

When you subscribe to "ZET News" you receive an e-mail every time a new upgrade is available and what changes have been made in this release.

The customer service that the programmer of ZET 8 provides is really outstanding as any questions or problems are quickly answered or resolved.

Monday, July 17, 2006

A*C*G and Local Space Mars Lines

In mundane astrology the chart for the president, prime minister, chancellor or leader is often used as a second chart for that country.

Since George W. Bush became president the United States has been involved in two wars, Afghanistan and Iraq. Jim Lewis wrote an article that US presidents are most likely to become involved in a war where the president has an A*C*G Mars lines.

According to Astrodatabank, the birth data for George W. Bush is:

6th July 1946
7.26 am
New Haven, CT

Looking at the president's A*C*G map he has Mars MH passes through Afghanistan.

In fact, at the AFA conference in Las Vegas (July 2000) I did a lecture on A*C*G and mundane astrology. I said that if George W. Bush is elected as president the United States would most likely be involved in a war with Afghanistan. This was based on his A*C*G map.

George W. Bush has no Mars line passing through Iraq, so why did the United States become involved in a war with this country? Using local space astrology, the president has a mars lines passing through Iraq.

I use both Astro*Carto*Graphy and local space maps when examining the planetary influences at locations. This example shows that local space Mars lines should also be considered in trying to find out where a president is likely to start a war.