Thursday, August 24, 2006

Bug In Horizons 1 0 10 Update

There is a new update available for Horizons and again I found a bug in it.

The solar arc directed A*C*G map is not calculated correctly. The ASC and DSC lines are solar arc directed, but the MH and IC lines are secondary progressions. It's not the first time that Horizons uses two different types of calculations for the solar arc directed A*C*G map as the same bug was reported to Matrix in February 2006. Although this bug was eventually corrected in an update it has now returned again.

It is my opinion that the Horizons program was released without it being properly beta-tested as it still has bugs after being available for eight months. What I don't like about updates for Horizons is that every time you have to download nearly 62 MB. That's no problem with DSL , but a nightmare if you use a dial-up connection. Also, there are no release notes for an update, so you have no idea what changes have been made to the program.

I have purchased various astrological software programs over the years and been pleased with the customer service provided. The exception is Matrix software where the customer service is appalling, especially where the Horizons program is concerned. Based on my experiences with Horizons it is not a program that I can recommend.


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