Major World Event in 2011
At the beginning of October 2010 I received an Email from Eduard Petcu who informed me that he had had studied the chapter in my book on mundane astroligy and found something very interesting about the forthcoming planetary influences in Korea.
After the recent events in Korea there are fears that there could soon be a war between North and South, and the research done by Eduard Petcu certainly seems to confirm this.
The Solar Eclipse on 11th July 2010 has Mars IC and Pluto DSC in the Yellow Sea which have a very powerful influence on the two Koreas. As this has an influence until the next Solar Eclipse six months later it shows what is currently taking place on the Korean Peninsula.

I have found the Mars/Pluto conjunction Astro*Carto*Graphy to be very powerful, especially when there is a repetition of themes with other A*C*G maps that are used in Mundane astrology.
On 14th December 2010, the Mars/Pluto conjunction is on the MH in Korea. This will have an influence in Korea until the next Mars/Pluto conjunction.

The Winster Solstice on 22nd December 2010 has Mars DSC passing through the North/South border to Korea and very close to Seoul. This will have an influence until the next Winter solstice one year later.

The Lunar Eclipse on 21st December 2010 has Sun DSC and Moon ASC passing through Seoul. The Sun/Moon opposotion is at 29 GEM/SAG 20 and activates Kim Jong-il's Mars at 28 SAG 49. This has an influence for six months, until the next Lunar Eclipse.

The Solar Eclipse on 4th January 2011 has Mars DSC in the Yellow Sea near to Korea. This has an influence for six months, until the next Solar Eclipse.

The 2010 Solar Return for North Korea (Data: 10th September 1948, 12.00pm - Nick Campion) has Mars ASC near to South Korea. This will be in effect until the next solar return one year later.

The repetition of themes with Mars lines would seem to suggest that a possible war between North and South Korea is likely to take place in the first half of 2011. By examining the New and Full Moons it's possible to narrow down this to a two week time range.
The New Moon for 3rd April 2011 has Mars IC and Uranus IC near the Korean Peninsula which could suggest a surprise attack by North Korea. So the first two weeks of April 2011 looks to be a time when all this Mars energy comes to a peak and manifests as outer reality.

Does the Korean War in 1950 show similarities to a possible war in 2011?
On 6th October 1949, the Mars/Pluto conjunction is on the MH in and near to Korea. This will have an influence in Korea until the next Mars/Pluto conjunction.

The Lunar Eclipse on 2nd April 1950 has Uranus IC and Mars DSC passing through South Korea. This has an influence for six months until the next Lunar Eclipse.

The New Moon on 15th June 1950 has MA DSC near to Korea. This indicates that the last two weeks of June is when the Mars energy comes to a peak and when a war is likely to start.

The Korean war started on 25th June 1950.
So history does seem to be repeating itself in 2011 with the first two weeks of April 2011 being very significant when a war between North and South Korea could possibly start.
The 2010 Solar Return for president Obama has Mars IC , Jupiter MH , Saturn IC , Uranus MH and Venus IC in or near to Korea. Countries or locations with five or more lines lines on an A*C*G map tend to be very important, so this could suggest that America will be involved in some way.

My congratulations to Eduard Petcu for the excellent work he has done to show that history looks to be repeating itself in Korea. It's very pleasing when a reader puts into practice what they have learnt from my book and does such excellent research.